Healthy Choices, Healthy Families

Is it challenging for you to figure out how best to feed your family?     

If you have a child who struggles with weight or is a picky eater, I know how stressful meal planning and food preparation can be. Every mom wants to do the right thing and feel good about raising healthy kids. As a mom of 3 boys, I understand the many challenges of feeding a family - I can help! These nutrition programs are tailored to fit your busy lifestyle, providing as much or as little guidance as you need. Each program (except "The Basics" Assessment) includes a Family Health Assessment, providing

  • Food Intake Evaluation - to understand your child's eating patterns, food preferences and food intolerances.
  • Nutritional Needs Assessment - to determine your child's specific nutrient needs
  • A Personalized Family Game Plan - recommendations to help your child and family be healthier together
  • Resources - handouts, recipes, websites to support your questions and needs

"The Basics" Family Nutrition Assessment

A 60-minute consultation with Jill to discuss your family's health needs and goals. You will receive at least 2 strategies to help you get started improving your family's health.

The Jump Start Plan -

This program includes 3 one-to-one sessions with Jill (in person or by phone). If you're overwhelmed or confused about what strategies will work best to help your family be healthier, then this plan is a great place to start. You will get your specific questions answered and support to get your Family Game Plan working.

The Healthy Family Plan -

This program includes:

  • 6 one-on-one sessions with Jill (in person or by phone)
  • a free copy of the 400 Moms  book
  • Individual consultations with each child (if needed) -to answer individual questions or meet specific nutritional needs
  • Email and phone support between appointments

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